Nikos gets a New Neighbor

                       Nikos gets a New Neighbor

Your Local Realtor is dropping the ball on blog #3

Highway 19, here in Palatka is probably the most popular road here in town. It's like "The Strip" of Putnam county. Rather then it being filled with flashing lights and limousines, it's stocked with potholes and log trucks making their way to the local Paper Mill.
It's the threshold of town separating the city from the sticks. And I just got exciting news that it's finally being repaved! No more driving like a bobble head for all of us!

Chances are if you lived here long enough you probably ate at Nikos. If you haven't the person next to you probably has. If neither of you have, you must be allergic to pizza because they have the best in town in my opinion. If you don't like pizza the rest of their Italian menu will leave your mouth watering. I usually need a wheel barrel to carry me from the table afterwards. It's that good.

For as far as I can remember the vacant lot next to it has always been For Sale. Literally, the sun chased the red letters off the sign. Kind of like it chases us in our house #BeatTheHeat. Not everybody probably noticed the lot. But when you have Real Estate Agent eyes it's like a target.

So the big question is? No, not the one where you say "I do". But what's going on with the lot?
I'm sure most of us notice some changes driving to Wal-Mart or getting our belly busted at Nikos.

Nolan's Storage Solutions

I would like to welcome Trey Hancock, Owner of Nolan's Storage Solutions. He is from Live Oak, Florida and is bringing his business to Palatka. He plans to have the operations going around the middle of December. He will be offering sheds and metal buildings. Mr. Trey is a very welcoming person and I urge you to go check him out.

I know some of you probably don't like the idea of another shed company coming to town. But let's face the music here. How many wife's wouldn't mind kicking their husband out, a new place for the Harley, or a time out for the kids that's too old to live at home? Or better yet, imagine all the money you've thrown away on a temporary storage unit. Heart breaking isn't it?
What if I told you making this improvement could add to the value of your home? You wouldn't have to play Tetris putting the Christmas decorations back in the closet this year. You could even clean out the garage a little without having a annual yard sale too? When you compare apples to apples here I really think its a win-win decision. Just think to yourself how many pack rats could use one of these if they don't have one already. Go check out the Tiny House Festival in St.Augustine you will see the possibilities are endless!

At the end of the day we can't all light torches and get our pitchforks because Palatka is getting another shed company. Instead I think of it this way, it was a vacant lot that nobody would buy and somebody turned into to something. It will bring business to this town. We have to start somewhere. Another vacant lot filled is a piece of the pie in my book.

Folks, just please keep in mind that I'm not a Author. I only do this in light that our community will appreciate it. I hope my recognition sparks a interest in somebody to say something good about me. Real Estate Agent appeal in my small town means everything to me.

Thank you for reading, Your Local Realtor Brandon West.
